Maureen Gordon has weathered hard times before. She and her husband began running ecotourism outfit Maple Leaf Adventures out of Vancouver about a month before the 9/11 terrorist attacks devastated international travel in 2001. The rebound was relatively quick. Fallout from COVID-19 has proven much more prolonged. “The pandemic of course was incredibly tumultuous and
“If you feel that you are missing out on fulfillment and happiness, but cannot put your finger on why, perhaps there is something deeper going on. Believe it or not, anyone can develop an unconscious habit of self-deprivation. Usually, this habit begins in childhood.” ~Mike Bundrant For all my adolescence and over a decade of
*Featured image contains photo by olia danilevich and Oleksandr P Anyone who has ever experienced food insecurity knows that it never really leaves you. Those hunger pangs, even when they’re long gone, linger, a phantom reminder of darker days. When Haley was in third grade, she knew those pangs well. Her family was struggling and