
Takeaway: The nicer the smartphone, the more time I want to spend on it—and this isn’t something I want. Any device we consider “great” should make us feel better, not worse, about the time we spend on it. Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes, 45s. When I started my most recent experiment to use only a
Takeaway: A calm state of mind makes you more focused, engaged, and deliberate. Here’s why. Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes, 10s. In my most recent book, I contend that the calmer our mind, the more productive we become. Let me explain. When it comes to knowledge work—tasks we do with our minds and not with
On this episode, we chat about how we like to go “novelty hunting,” especially in the digital world. Topics covered include: What “novelty hunting” is; The connection between novelty and dopamine; The three dopamine factors; The “novelty bias”; How novelty hunting is more stressful than we give it credit for; Superstimuli; How novelty changes our
Takeaway: There are two kinds of productivity advice: advice that helps you work smarter, and that which helps build your capacity for getting things done in the first place. Both are critical. Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes, 13s. In exploring the research about calm and productivity while writing How to Calm Your Mind, I realized
Takeaway: As a simple experiment, try alternating between waking up with and without your phone. Observe the difference. You may be surprised by how much more calmly and deliberately you act when you don’t begin your day in the digital world. Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes, 20s. Here’s a simple experiment: Tomorrow morning, wake up
On this episode, we chat about the science of “savoring”—the process through which we enjoy our lives. Topics covered include: How “savoring” is the process of converting positive experiences into positive emotions; The productivity benefits of savoring; How savoring helps us become less anxious; The psychological and neurological benefits of savoring; The balance between striving