What are the best books on Management and Leadership?

We get asked lots of questions related to Productivity & Time Management in our workshops which we always enjoy answering. We especially liked it when this question was asked by a delegate on one of our Leading Remote Teams online training courses last week.  So, our Productivity Ninjas put their heads together and came up with this list of their favourite Leadership and Management books (physical and audio) books for you all.  

They are in no particular order, and you may think we missed one, please let us know if we have. So we can read it too! 

And I think we can be forgiven for adding these two books too, written by Graham Alcott the founder of Think Productive and Grace Marshall one of our Productivity Ninjas. 

Many of these leadership and management books have given us our inspiration for our Leading Remote Teams online workshop.  We have designed this course to be about culture and the groups productivity and not just personal productivity. As Productivity Ninjas we are there to hold the space for you with our expert input so you can have conversations and decide the best way to work as a group.  

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We would love to talk to you about leading your teams the best you can, contact us here.


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