2021 Will Ask You To Shed Your Old Self, Because A New Era Is Right On The Horizon

Every cycle that presents us with an ending also ushers in a beginning, even if we do not realize it at the time.

This year has been marked by disruption, reflection, deep solitude, awakening, and change.

With ample time to sit quietly with ourselves, people are making moves in ways they never have before — more people are changing jobs, relationships, cities, homes than ever before. This is not a coincidence. It is all interconnected.

The truth is that humanity is going through a collective awakening. This shift in consciousness is first marked by realization. This is the part when we are forced to come to terms with the fact that the systems, routines, structures, and traditions that we have been controlled by in the past weren’t constructed for our benefit. They do not serve us in the ways that we need.

On a more personal level, almost everyone has gone through an intense cycle of death and rebirth, a period of positive disintegration of their personalities, beliefs, and ideas.

This process is extremely uncomfortable because like a snake shedding skin, you must first release your old self for your new life to be born.

That is exactly what 2021 will ask you to do.

If there is anything you have not discarded when you knew it needed to go, any changes you did not make when you knew they needed to be made, any moves you did not commit to when you knew they needed to be done — you will be asked to complete your transformation next year, because we are entering an entirely new age.

Life today is unrecognizable even 10 years ago, and the same will be true in another decade.

While we can hope that many of these changes will be positive, we cannot be dismayed or dissuaded by the fact that change is almost never comfortable, and certainly not when we’re left to face the honest truths of our own lives.

The reality is that for most people, this year was a chance to take a long hard look at who they are, what they’re doing, who they’re spending their lives with, and where. With a period of forced reflection, many people realized that they needed to leap in order to get into alignment with who they were meant to be.

With all of these revelations and shifts that have occurred, what’s left is to shake off the remnants that were holding us in place for so long.

If this year was a catalyst, next year is a healing.

Next year will ask you to grieve for what’s lost, embrace what’s arrived, and shake off the remainders of your past for good. It’s going to leave you with no other option but to change, and this is actually a blessing.

You are going to have to step fully into the person you know that you are meant to be. While it’s scary to release your anchors, the ideas and fears that make you feel safe, you will have to come to terms with the fact that staying small doesn’t keep you safe, it keeps you stuck.

There is no more time to remain stuck.

Everything in your life has prepared you for this moment. It is time to finally leap. It is time to finally be the person you always dreamed you might be.

If this time has taught us anything, may it be that life is fleeting, and fragile. We take so much for granted. There is so much here for us, but if we never release what binds us, we are never going to be able to run free.

Personal Development

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