This One’s For All The Beautiful Messes

You’re a beautiful mess wandering in this world with no specific destination. You’ve been lost for so long and have no idea what to do or where to go. You don’t know yourself quite well enough yet. You’re still discovering who you are in this big world. You’re still discovering what you truly love and what you’re truly passionate about. You’re still finding out your way or even paving one for yourself.

You’re trying to understand life, but it’s so damn confusing for you right now. People have been entering your life during some phases and leaving it during others, which left you wondering who your people are in the first place. You’ve been betrayed and heartbroken so many times that you can’t quite figure out who should you love or trust anymore. You’re still building your life, and you don’t even know what kind of life you want to build. You’re still figuring out what you’re good at and what you suck at in this life.

You’re trying to find your tribe — some people feel right for you, while others don’t — but you’re still figuring out who should you stay closer to and who should you let go. Life has broken you too many times, which left you questioning how strong you are. You’re still not quite aware of your capabilities or strengths.

There’s so much chaos around you that you’ve lost who you are. You’re still trying to find your voice in this big chaotic word. You’re still figuring out what you believe in and what you don’t. You’re a beautiful mess — embrace it.

Enjoy the journey of getting to know who you are in this life and what you want. Enjoy your messiness. I know you feel the urge to freak out, but this is how it should be for now.

This part of your life is supposed to be a mess, but it’s beautiful and exciting as well. It’s you embarking the unknown. It’s you stepping into the world and discovering your own self, which is one of the most adventurous and exciting journeys a person gets to experience.

Personal Development

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